We made it!

Through two milestones actually 🙂

First there was recital. 

It was HARD.  Seriously.  Although I appreciated having everything condensed into one weekend it ended up being one hell of a weekend!  K and I were at the venue for 12 hours and 15 minutes on Saturday and then we were all there for 4 1/2 hours on Sunday.  If you include an hour commute that is one busy weekend! 

In the end it went well!  The kids did very well and the whole thing just had such great energy!  Our director can be proud for sure 🙂  I sure am proud of my kiddos!  B and K were both sick and dealt with it like professionals.  M held it together despite a change of venue and much more chaos then in years past.  I wish I had more pictures of them but these will have to do!

K doing her Trio-The Cave

My beautiful girls dancing The Finish Line for Lyrical

B doing his Hip Hop-Work and Party

K cheering-Push It Mix

Secondly we had end of year assessements.  We passed!  I never had any doubt (well, maybe a little) 😉  I had a nice time listening to what other homeschoolers did this year and got some good information about B and his reading and planned for next year. It was a little strange to just be handing over grades for K instead of explaining what we did…..kind of bittersweet “sniff”   Despite that, I really enjoy this opportunity every year and this was no different!


We did a few other things as well….K and B took part in a science fair and we attended Graduation and Awards night for the small private school K attends…but I’ll have to update those later!

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